SALGC Member Card
At SALGC Member card is a visual identification of your membership to the Club. It is renewable annually and the cost for the card is covered by your membership fee or R120.00.
It has inception/issue date and expiry date which should be renewed before expiry. It has the Approved signature of the Club’s Chairman at the back as a confirmation that a member is approved membership of this national prestigious club by the board. It bears the South African national flag one in front and the other at the back, indicating its lineage. It comes it two colours, Gold for members and Platinum for Executive Management/Board.
Failure to renew your membership does not disqualify one for the club membership, but it prohibits you to participate in leadership policy and changes as one will not be in good standing. This card is not for purchase, instead it is a relationship building unit which will have various strategic use with specific stakeholders still to be announced.
Get yourself one, this member card is your commitment to the values of this Club in community exemplary and behavioral leadership.
Helping to save you time and money
This card is a family Gold, and this is why every Man and Boy-child should always have one …
- Relationship building
- The world’s first most valuable card of its kind
- Investment opportunity for business SA
- Will gives you heads-start in most opportunities (To me announced)
- It identifies your values and your conviction
- Get one and stand out of the rest – Be a Leader with loud moral conviction.