Friends Of SALGC (FOS)
About FOS
The insurmountable work of changing minds in Leadership development of our men and boy-child is not considered easy, it is a herculean task and it is for that reason this national Club understand that in order to have a much required impact with our ground-breaking programs; we need to engage in various collaborations with available stakeholders who share same vision with SALGC.
This include incorporating women in the club though not as members, but as friends of this club to assist men who found their vision in accomplishing that herculean mission of leadership development from a family institution.
The Club has established what we call the Desk of FOS within the Club, these are all women from all walks of lives and of every category who are willing to serve their communities through the various programs the club establishes.
They are participating is various programs such as recently a national youth essay-writing competition on toxic masculinity, we had women working in the project team, some as judges, auditors and many others. We also therefore encourage more women to join this Desk not only to carry a card or be associated, but to be fully available to serve in order to bring a much needed difference in our communities. No one is going to bring positive and desired change where we are if we do not bring it ourselves, we owe it to our children at least and it is for that reason we encourage as many women as possible to join the Desk of FOS for serving their communities through this amazing platform, one of its own kind the world over.
We encourage the culture of volunteerism, selflessness and loud moral conviction, behaviour pattens. our children have heard enough of how we exasperate them as they learn by observing our behaviour pattens.
It is time as parents, guardians and young adults that we must walk the talk, let us show them what we mean by good mannerism and commitment to good values. Let us encourage our cycles to also join the desk of FOS in order to bring their incredible expertise which when put together will emancipate our societies from this diabolic poverty mindset by delivering the proper new dawn through various programs emanating from our five Founding Pillars.
FOS’s may also pay an annual membership fee of R120 if they wish to be issued with a Club Member Card which been explained in detail somewhere here on the website. You do not have to have a certain special criteria to belong to the FOS Desk, you simple have to love your country, community and family institution enough to see this institution as a new family for us all.
Finally, see FOS as relevant partners who should be able to encourage their righteous partners to join the Club in order to expand the righteous values of this club across all levels of the society and ultimately the nation. Women raise boy-children also as single mothers in the absence of fathers for whatever reasons known to them, we encourage them as suitable partners not to exasperate their sons, but to be exemplary by bringing them to the club for mentoring in order to have the society developing and producing the exact product of true leadership we require so much.
Looking forward to seeing you in the club structures, and the photographs of the FOS official structure will be presented here on this website as soon as they have accepted accountability responsibilities as presented to them by the board of this club.